
Ongoing collaborations

Besides my main work at the Gore lab, I collaborate with the following people:

Gonzalo G. de Polavieja and his team, Cajal Institute, CSIC (Madrid, Spain) - Decision-making in collectives

Vicente Pérez-Díaz, Hospital Universitario de Valladolid (Spain) - Modeling of Peritoneal Dialysis

Past collaborations

Guy Theraulaz, Ugo Lopez & Daniel Calovi, Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale (CNRS & University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France) - Tracking of Hemigrammus rhodostomus.

Audrey Dussutour & David Vogel, Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale - Growth and decision-making of slime mould (P. polycephalum)

Andrew Bruce, Würzburg University (Germany) - Tracking of Atta cephalotes and Atta columbica.

Raphaël Jeanson & Pierre Lesne, Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale (CNRS & University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France) - Tracking of social spiders.

Andrew King & Ed Pope, Swansea University (UK) - Tracking of European sea bass

Susana Marcos and her team, Institute of Optics "Daza de Valdés", CSIC (Madrid, Spain) - Corneal biomechanics (2007-2010)

Mª Carmen Martínez García, University of Valladolid (Spain) - Undergraduate collaboration fellowship during the 2005/2006 academic year, working on automatic measurement of properties of the corneal surface.

Gerhard Rempe, Pepijn Pinkse & Michael Motsch - Summer undergraduate internship in 2005 at Prof. Rempe's laboratory at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (Garching bei München, Germany), working on cooling of molecules and laser spectroscopy.

Alex Bäcker - Summer undergraduate internship at his laboratory at Caltech (Pasadena, CA, USA) in 2004, working on Bayesian estimation and molecular evolution.

Carlos Casanova Roque, University of Valladolid (Spain) - Summer undergraduate internship at his laboratory in 2003, working on densitometry for the study of phase transitions.